The last 8 years have been the worst years that I have witnessed America suffer in my lifetime. Those years must be among the worst our nation has ever endured. This misery was brought about practically single-handedly by you, though many stood idly by, such as the newspaper press.
How can one person cause such havoc? You have the personality of a goat, or perhaps an ass. Simply witnessing your election in 2000 was uninspiring. You were not justly elected to become president of the United States. Our Supreme Court had to vote you into office by a vote of 5-4. You lost the popular vote. There was voting suppression, and tampering with ballots. The election of 2000 that brought you into office was a farce, and the world laughed at us for the first of many times to come in the next 8 years.
Once in office, you ignored your duties, much as I recall your father playing golf while I was working 23-hour-days, as a soldier in Germany preparing to go to war in Iraq during the Persian Gulf War. You were rarely at your desk and often on vacation. You moved the White House to your ranch in Crawford, Texas, a brazen act and the first of many of its kind. This act seemed to denote your style, too, one of defiance with the very office you hold. It is one thing to defy and challenge; it is quite another thing to defy your own position as leader. Action such as this demonstrates a certain bitter, deep-seated hatred of a personal nature. As a person, you have no humor or feeling or compassion for others. You also have a strange, false bravado, a machismo that is almost comical. As a physical presence, you have a sheepish, rather ugly appearance. You are not intimidating; yet, you insist that you are. Thus, you present a strange quality, part comical, part idiotic. To say you are ineloquent is to say the sky is blue. But, as with many of your actions, you take your failures to brave new lows; you turn a certain dialect into something that Americans have come to hate and despise, and even commiserate in shared misery. Initially, your inept style was something that you rejoiced in, to the pain of death of your countrymen, such as when you said, “Bring ‘em on” in the dialect that I speak of, about our brave soldiers fighting in Iraq. You comments caused the deaths of some of those soldiers, as a result of that stupid comment. Perhaps, you feel that by showing such a fearless lack of thinking others will respect the nature of the power that you wield.
Then came 9-11, and here was an event seemingly tailor-made for your rough personality. And, for a brief period, you seemed to think, act, and talk like a president. There have been numerous allegations of conspiracy around 9-11. Like all things, there is some truth to be found within. At the very least, by going on vacation as president, you were ill-equipped to handle this crisis and shocked by it. Had the last plane finished its mission, our nation would have been finished. But it did not and we survived, because we are a strong people. Surviving your legacy will make us even stronger. Your lack of leadership squandered the world’s good will toward America in 2001. You sent us to war in Afghanistan but have not achieved your mission to this day because the Taliban have returned, and our causalities are at all-time highs in that conflict. And the mastermind of 9-11 remains at large, as does many of his lieutenants. You often claim that we have killed or captured many of the enemy; but how many of them remain at large?
Then we went to war with Iraq. The reason we went to war was proven to be a lie. That lie was premeditated. We are fighting a premeditated, preemptive war based on a lie, in Iraq. And, we have been fighting it for 6 years. After the initial battles, which we won, you again showed your indecision. For all of your bravado, you can be a very indecisive man. As a result, Baghdad fell into chaos and there was widespread looting. The leaders and generals that you appointed were as inept as you are, and their bad decisions sealed our fate for what may be decades in that country. Many thousands American servicemen have now died in your premeditated, preemptive war based on a lie. Thousands died on 9-11, and you had a hand in their deaths. Your total of American dead will likely close in on tens of thousands before you leave office. These are deaths that you personally caused, by idiocy, negligence, and stupidity. And worst of all, you seem to remain proud of these dead. Like 9-11, to talk of conspiracies is often not wise; but still, if you are capable of killing Americans – many who died in the most heinous ways – surely you must have committed other acts upon Americans of which we have no knowledge. Perhaps we should learn your other crimes.
To create your war state, you changed our constitution and expanded the powers of the presidency to levels heretofore unseen. You also greatly increased the power of the vice-president, to a level not envisioned in the Constitution. Next, you began a systematic operation of torture against our enemies and opened Guantanamo Bay. Your plan of torture and rendition was eventually revealed. Amazingly, however, you persist in the righteousness of your acts in your plan. If I ever meet you in person, I will spit in your face and challenge you to torture me. I feel you are a coward to not take up my challenge.
There were other failures, almost too many to cover. Your actions, or the lack of them, devastated New Orleans, and again we were laughed at by the entire world. Your corrupt pardons of fellow criminals in your administration are noteworthy. You have done nothing for our economy, which is now in a violent spiral. You have not helped Americans with health care or fair wages or quality of living. You greatly expanded the military’s role in spying on Americans, whether legal or not. You oversaw the passage of legislation to restrict Americans’ rights.
All of these things are familiar to all Americans – almost to the man, woman and child, as if reciting a nursery rhyme chanted by Satan. And all of America hates you with a passion that burns brightly. We Americans truly, madly, and deeply despise you, in a way that I have never witnessed before against any politician. In fact, I have never seen any person hate another person the way that all Americans hate you, with a sense of personal hatred, seething animosity, pulsing with cruel delight. For myself, it’s your lack of recognition of your failures, and our hatred of you, that most get under my skin. It’s your admitted belief – professed to this day – that you will be proven right by history, that is truly regrettable. It’s a quality that your vice-president shares with you. You are not content with failure and the pain that you blindly inflict; you must perpetuate those things with all the established power that you have, for as long as humanly possible. To accomplish this, you rely greatly on words, at last. Words trouble you, and you do not speak clearly or accurately. The prepared argument that you deliver is offensive and arrogant. And we must endure your atrocious lies, which you deliver with a straight face – and even the occasional grimace and smirk (another quality you share with your near-death vice-president). For, to weaken in your argument would lead to your overthrow, because your argument is all you have, or have ever had. Thus, you create a sickening, shameful situation, without end.
I think it is a mistake to recognize your authority for another day. The American people think otherwise, and I must respect that decision. But there will be an end, because you are only human. You will soon be gone. And my words will follow you. You do not understand what it means to be an American. Your soul is poisoned, and the rot of it has infected the fabric of our great land. It is necessary to purge your great evil from our nation, so that we might become Americans again. The vastness of your failures is staggering. The sheer numbers of American deaths that you have caused for little to no gain is incomprehensible. When you are gone, we will praise God that you are gone. There will be an awesome silence at your departure, as if Lucifer had just exited the room. The evil housed in your soul is unimaginable, unfathomable. The feats that you are capable of lie beyond understanding. I, personally, wish you no harm. I, for one, forgive you. But you are no American. You have lessened my country. You have hurt and killed my fellow citizens, on account of your black, unyielding, psychological vendettas. America is a diminished land because of your actions, greatly diminished. No action that you have taken at home or abroad, in war or peace, will reverse that, despite your continuing arguments to the contrary.
In closing, I urge you to consider the hopelessness of your fate. Think, even if it is too late for that. But for the grace of God do we comprehend our sins, and the evil that is housed in your soul. Attempt to reconcile with your failures in your last months in office. There is nothing more that can be done than that. Consider humanity, though you will never grasp it. Feel for Americans, though you are not an American. Try to love your country, America, even if you hate it and wish death and destruction upon it.
M. Stefan Strozier
(A True American)
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